Well….we’ve been so busy in technology land, and enjoying the excellent Great British Summer, that you’ll have to forgive us for this Q1 edition of our newsletter being a little tardy. Fashionably late, and all that!
This quarter has been fantastic for a multitude of reasons, which we’ll go into detail below – but the cliff notes are that we have been elbows deep in new customers, new technology, new team members, and a brilliant period of growth for our business.
From the desk of…
Lynn Blackmore-Heal
Head Of Customer Success, Evorio

CoPilot, CoPilot, CoPilot….if that’s going around in your head, too, we probably have something to do with it! Sorry, not sorry.
It is a drum we have been beating, and beating hard, this past quarter because we really do believe it is the future. And a part of an AI-driven future which you can trust, and rely upon to make your day easier.
We’ve been working to try to show the different efficiencies it can bring you and your business and took this one step further with a dedicated webinar extolling its virtues – more on that in next quarter’s digest.
I raise the topic because I think it fits in so beautifully with our ethos as a business – making the complex seem simple.
It is woven into everything we do, from bespoke CRM systems that connect complex processes and data, to modern workplace implementations that revitalise old-fashioned IT infrastructure, we aim to move businesses into the light of new technologies and ways of working.
Artificial intelligence, insofar as CoPilot is concerned, is going to be a cornerstone of that for the next 10 years and beyond, because it democratises automation for all, not just those with access to sophisticated systems. As Jack, in our marketing team, says, “it’s not just Hal 9000 and Agent Smith”, and we promise you that now is the time to embrace it. He also made references to the film ‘Predator’ (get to da choppa!) which he was horrified to hear I hadn’t seen, so my ‘cool factor’ has taken a serious nosedive.
Stepping off my AI soapbox, now – we have also seen a great period of change internally, with some incredible new team members who have fitted in seamlessly, and some exciting new CRM and IT customers who we have been thrilled to work with on some amazing digital solutions.
Onwards! We’re excited to bring you more insight into Microsoft Purview, which is an exciting lead forward for data and systems governance and security.

Microsoft Copilot
If you are curious, cautious, excited, or all of the above, about Microsoft’s AI companion, we have pulled together all the pertinent details (and some video demos) into a great article on our website.
This should give you a great insight into just a few of the ways in which this kind of software can become a productivity tool for you time-poor members of the workforce!

Marketing Gurus
Back in April, we ran what was arguably our most successful and engaging webinar yet – in tandem with ClickDimensions, one of our long-time technology partners, we hosted a group discussion focussed on looking at the ways in which integrated marketing solutions can help you preach the good word of your business more easily, to more people, and more smartly with data-backed decisions at the heart of everything you do.
What do we want? Multi-channel marketing! When do we want it? Now!
There are some brilliant tips and insights in this session, do have a watch,

Evorio News
We are proud to have re-launched our referral proramme – with a purpose!
Like many businesses, we are privileged to receive a lot of our new business as referrals from happy customers, and we like to pay it forward to those who take the time to mention our name in rooms we can’t always be in.
Now, we’ve taken it one step further and will also be paying it forward with a donation, for each proposal we send out to a prospect, to the Society of St James, which does incredible work in our county to ensure people experiencing homelessness have better paths back into the workforce.
It’s A 10 For Pain!

Recently, Chris Pain, our Head of IT, celebrated his 10-year anniversary at Evorio – a whole decade!
We remain so thankful for his dedication, commitment to providing the best possible solutions and advice to our customers, and his ongoing loyalty to the business…he was uncharacteristically quiet when presented with his gift…no prizes for guessing why!
Not the most glamorous of things to receive a spot in our newsletter, but an important one for any of our Dynamics 365 (CRM) customers.
Microsoft is raising prices to bring them more in line with similar applications, and we wrote an article explaining the little we know so far about what the increase will be and what this means for you – if you are nearing your 12-month renewal, now is a great time to lock in another year of licensing at the current cost before these rise in April.
We are reaching out to customers with impending renewals, but for anyone else – please do reach out and we can talk next steps.
Dynamics 365 Price Increase

A Jedi In Our Ranks

After 18 months packed with learning and development, both on and off the job, our marketing apprentice, Jack, a lifelong Star Wars fan, graduated with flying colour from his Apprenticeship and we couldn’t be prouder!
Jack has allowed us to bring a fresh new energy to our marketing, and champion and promote our business in a way that belies his age and experience.
To many more accomplishments, Jack, the sky’s the limit!